Geelong Miniature Aircraft Association
Joining is easy..
You don't need to have all your gear or even know how to fly yet! All you need is to have a keen interest in getting involved, and take it from there!
Print out and complete a membership renewal form (see below), and come visit the field as you will need two current members to propose and second your application. There are usually members at the field on most weekends and while you are there you can check out the facilities and meet some members.
Let them know you are looking to join the club and ask if they can help you out.
Once you have two members propose and second your membership application, send it off with payment to the
GMAA Registrar and you're done!
Click here for membership forms
Membership fees
Notes on Membership - Please read carefully
All new memberships applications, and lapsed memberships renewed after July 31 must include a joining fee.
All flying members MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN an application form.
Family membership consists of spouses, parents or guardians plus any number of dependants under 18 years of age who live at the same address as the above senior member. Check with registrar if you are unsure.
Family membership fees as follows:- GMAA Senior FEE, plus VMAA fee multiplied by number of members.
Two pensioners in family, family rate applies.
Juniors to be under 18 years of age at 1 st July this year.
Associate members must be currently registered by VMAA/MAAA.
Important: Insurance expires as from 30th June unless renewal has been received on or prior to 30th June.
- Half year fees ONLY apply from 1st January to 30th June. FULL joining fee applies for half yearly new membership.
Family Membership
$126 (GMAA Fee) +
VMAA Fee by number of;
Seniors ($144 ea) & Juniors ($72ea)
GMAA Club Rules
Like any sporting or hobby organisation, in order to function effectively as a club the GMAA has instituted club rules for the benefit of all club members. All existing members should be aware of them, and all new and potential members should study them closely.
The club rules are listed on the second page of the Membership Form.
GMAA Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure (Published August 2009)
You can download a copy of the GMAA Disciplinary Procedure HERE **.